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Dr Ana de Ramon


For appointments with Dr de Ramon, please, 

call BMI The Runnymede Hospital (T. 08081010337)

or contact her secretary (T. 07555 152 148).

Dr Ana de Ramon is a Consultant Respiratory Physician at Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust working mainly at Wexham Park (Slough) and King Edward VII (Windsor) Hospitals.


She qualified in 1991 and has worked as a full-time consultant in the UK since 2004. 

Dr de Ramon is dedicated to ensuring that patients receive the best treatment possible by remaining up to date with the latest respiratory treatments.


She has strong interest in sleep ventilation medicine and has stablished departments in Madrid (Spain) and in Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Trust.

Dr de Ramon performs the following investigations and procedures in Respiratory Medicine:



Full lung-function testing with transfer factor

Fitness to fly

Sleep studies with overnight pulse oximetry

Bronchoscopy with endobronchial and transbronchial biopsies plus lavage

Cardio-respiratory exercise testing

Oxygen assessment

Skin-prick testing

and allergy screening.


She has developed a special interest in sleep apnoea and sleep-respiratory disorders, and has more than 20 years' experience in all respiratory disorders, including acute and chronic cough, asthma, COPD and interstitial-lung disease (such as pulmonary fibrosis). Some of her other clinical interests are: unexplained shortness of breath, bronchiectasis and smoking-related lung disease.


Dr de Ramon's work is founded on providing bespoke, efficient, clear and evidence-based care, with the patients always being central in their treatment plan.

She is currently a member of these professional and national bodies:

Affiliate member of the Royal College of Physicians of London

Member of the British Thoracic Society

Member of the European Respiratory Society

Member of the Chest Physician American Society

Member of the Medical Protection Society

To make an appointment with Dr de Ramon, please, call directly: BMI The Runnymede Hospital on T. 08081010337 (also on T. 01932877800); or contact her secretary, Ms Pamela Drake, on: T. 07555152148 - email:

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